
When I was little, my grandma made me 7 big albums/scrapbooks of my life from birth to 18. I think. I honestly don't even know if they went to 18 but I think they may have, I haven't looked at them in a while. They are so special to me, and I want my kids to have something to look back on, but I do not have the time or energy to make albums or scrapbooks, so I figured a blog would be the next best thing. An easy place where I can share all of my favorite photos, what's going on in our lives, etc. My aunt has a blog where she does exactly that and I love reading about her life and seeing all of the photos she has to share.

So I'll give a little update on a few things that have been going on lately. I celebrated my 31st birthday last month. I had a couple get-togethers with some friends and it was so nice. I had everyone over and I ordered Chipotle catering which was entirely too much food but so delicious and easy. Just after that, Josie turned 9 months. I can't believe she is already 9 months old. Then a few days after that, Branson graduated from pre-school and summer vacation started! It's been a busy few weeks, but things seem to be slowing down for the most part. Things are not slow at work, which is exactly how I like it. I love to be busy, but I find myself getting a little behind on things when I am so busy at work. I was able to buy a new facial bed from my friend who gave me an amazing deal, and it was delivered today. I had serious anxiety about the movers not being able to get it in my studio- narrow hallways & large items- not a great combo. I also had a meeting with a skincare line that I really want to carry- it's a big investment but I am really excited about it and sometimes in business you need to take some risks in order to grow. If it's meant to be it will work out, and so far it's working out seamlessly. We've been spending a lot of time at the pool, and I have loved every second. It's a lot of work getting to the pool with two little ones but Branson is finally confident swimming so it feels so liberating to not have to stay right next to him as he tries to swim-- especially since I have to do that with his sister now, but she doesn't go too far. Our gym pool has a zero-entry side so it's easy to just stay with her where it's really shallow for now. The kids and I had some photos taken yesterday, I can't wait to see how they turned out, they looked so cute. 

I'll attach a few recent photos :) 

Josie has started pulling herself up and taking steps and I’m not ready! 

A few Violet photos 😻

We had a block party on Saturday and Branson loved playing with the kids on our street.

Old Shawnee Days was this last weekend so we took Branson. He loves carnivals. 

I love this swimsuit so much- it’s already too small on her though! And her little hat… just can’t handle the cuteness. 
