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When I was little, my grandma made me 7 big albums/scrapbooks of my life from birth to 18. I think. I honestly don't even know if they went to 18 but I think they may have, I haven't looked at them in a while. They are so special to me, and I want my kids to have something to look back on, but I do not have the time or energy to make albums or scrapbooks, so I figured a blog would be the next best thing. An easy place where I can share all of my favorite photos, what's going on in our lives, etc. My aunt has a blog where she does exactly that and I love reading about her life and seeing all of the photos she has to share. So I'll give a little update on a few things that have been going on lately. I celebrated my 31st birthday last month. I had a couple get-togethers with some friends and it was so nice. I had everyone over and I ordered Chipotle catering which was entirely too much food but so delicious and easy. Just after that, Josie turned 9 months. I can't beli

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